Primary Color

Dartmouth Green

Dartmouth Green

PMS 349
CMYK: 95, 0, 100, 50
RGB: 0, 105, 62

Secondary Colors

In the secondary web palette we have added shades of gray, a useful addition for creating web content.

Forest Green

Dartmouth forest green

PMS 627
CMYK: 93, 33, 75, 75
RGB: 18, 49, 43

Rich Forest Green (digital)

Dartmouth Rich Forest Green

RGB: 13, 30, 28

Snow White

snow white

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255

Midnight Black

Midnight black

CMYK: 50, 50, 50, 100
RBG: 0, 0, 0

Tertiary Colors

When color beyond the primary and secondary palettes is needed for distinction, the tertiary colors can be used, but cannot overpower the use of Dartmouth Pine Green.

River Blue (print)


PMS 291
CMYK: 33, 3, 0, 0

River Blue (digital)

Web River Blue

RGB: 38, 122, 186

River Navy

River Navy

PMS 541
CMYK: 100, 57, 0, 38
RGB: 0, 60, 115

Spring Green

Spring green

PMS 365
CMYK: 23, 0, 56, 0
RGB: 196, 221, 136

Rich Spring Green

Rich Spring Green

PMS 367
CMYK: 29, 0, 67, 0
RGB: 165, 215, 95

Summer Yellow

Summer Yellow

PMS 127
CMYK: 0, 16, 65, 0
RGB: 245, 220, 105

Bonfire Orange 

Bonfire Orange

PMS 1375
CMYK: 0, 40, 90, 0
RGB: 255, 160, 15

Bonfire Red

Bonfire Red

PMS 7427
CMYK: 0, 100, 65, 28
RGB: 157, 22, 46

Tuck Orange

Tuck Orange

PMS 179
CMYK: 9, 87, 100, 2
RGB: 216, 71, 38

Violet (digital)

Web Violet

RGB: 138, 105, 150

Autumn Brown

Autumn Brown

PMS 161
CMYK: 0, 52, 100, 64
RGB: 100, 60, 32

Winter Gray (print)

Winter Grey

PMS 665
CMYK: 11, 20, 0, 10

Granite Gray (print)

Granite Grey

PMS 438
CMYK: 58, 63, 59, 40

Granite Gray (digital)

Web Granite Grey

RGB: 66, 65, 65

Gray 1 (digital)

Web Grey 1

RGB: 247, 247, 247

Gray 2 (digital)

Web Grey 2

RGB: 226, 226, 226

Gray 3 (digital)

Web Grey 3

RGB: 112, 112, 112